#3 Austin returns at Backlash

Sometimes, no matter how great a wrestling match is, the action in the ring can get overshadowed by a memorable, shocking moment like a return or dodgy officiating. This was very much the case when The Rock challenged Triple H for the WWF Championship at Backlash 2000.
Many see this as the main event Wrestlemania 2000 should have had, as opposed to the messy fatal four-way bout. The odds were very much stacked against The Rock with Vince and Shane McMahon all backing The Game, along with Brisco and Patterson.
Just as it looked like Vince's master plan had come to fruition, Stone Cold Steve Austin made a shocking return to the WWF after an absence due to injury. He went out attacking all of Vince and Triple H's cronies with a chair and helped Rock defeat the Game for the title.
In many ways, Austin's time at the top of the WWF was beginning to slip by this time. Fans still loved the Rattlesnake, but due to a series of neck injuries, he could no longer afford to hold the company on his back. Even so, he still had a role to play for the WWF, most notably as Vince McMahon's favorite nemesis.