The Authority have been reigning as the top heel in WWE for quite some time now. The idea of one man using his power to make things happen his way helps wrestling fans remember earlier times as this was the backbone when WWE had Vince McMahon as its head authority figure.Vince had his way of doing things and was pretty much the biggest draw that WWE had back in the Attitude Era and before that. Hunter might be running the company in an entirely different era but it doesn’t mean that there are a lot of borders being drawn in the booking decisions.Triple H, to be frank is another incarnation of what Vince used to be back in the good old days and WWE apparently did some good work to mask the idea. However, the similarities between the two aren’t that hard to find if dug in the right place, so here is a list of them.
#10 Liking for big muscular guys
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Wrestlers are known for their huge muscular frame. Ever since Vince started the company, he has been fond of guys who had the size and weight to send a feeling of awe down the spine of WWE fans.
Names like Big Show, Mark Henry, Nathan Johns, Matt Morgan and a lot more were in the company due to this fetish of McMahon’s and Hunter might be following a similar path.
He is pushing hard for Rusev right now, just as Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are also known for their size. There are names down in the NXT known for their sheer size and apparently CM Punk also pointed out this liking of Hunter’s saying that both Vince and Hunter like muscular guys and not wrestlers like Punk or Daniel Bryan.
#9 Kane cant stay away from Authority can he?
Be it the masked monster in the Corporation or the suited Director of Operations in the Authority, Kane has been someone who has worked in favour of a higher power.
He had a stint under Vince’s reign and is having one under Hunter’s reign with his job pretty much being the same, taking out the rebels. Kane is an unsung hero when it comes to the take over from the Authorities.
The big red monster wasn’t used to being the core under the regime of Vince but has found a more suited position under Hunter. He has been in pay-per-view main events and almost everywhere important for a long time now and is a common link between the two family members.
#8 The occasional matches
Being in the office is not an easy task and this has confined Hunter into becoming a part time wrestler. McMahon might’ve not been a regular wrestler by profession but when he had to step in the ring, he did just that.
McMahon’s matches weren’t as good as what Hunter is known for giving but it had the emotions to take the fans for a ride.
There is no comparison on the level of wrestling between the two, however, since Hunter has embraced the Authority figure, he has radically reduced the frequency of matches that he has in between the ropes equaling it to the bookings that McMahon used to have himself.
#7 They had their wolf pack
Sometimes it is hard to manage everything on your own and seeking help is some sort of necessity in those situations. Both McMahon and Hunter had and have their pack of superstars who did all the dirty work for them.
For Vince it was the Corporation with names like Rock, Pat Paterson, Gerald Brisco, Big Boss Man and some more. All of them did the work for Vince to make sure that the boss got what he wanted.
Hunter initially started off his pack small with only Randy Orton and Kane. It later got a boost with the returning Batista who was later replaced by Seth Rollins. The faction is still going strong in the WWE and tearing apart who ever crosses paths with them.
#6 Having preferred champions
There are preferences when you have the entire power to book a show even if it’s kayfabe. McMahon wanted Rock to be the champion instead of Steve Austin back in the Attitude Era because he knew that Rock was someone he could control.
This is the same reason why Hunter was backing Randy Orton to carry the gold around before Brock Lesnar came around.
Orton was always favored by the Authority ahead of Daniel Bryan. This is not a comparison between Rock and Orton, as they are poles apart. However, they showed that both Vince and Hunter had similar preferences as to who they wanted to be champion and who they didn’t.
#5 McMahon unified the territories; Hunter paved the way for the Indies
It was revolutionary back in the 80s to break the territory rules that were set for the smooth running of professional wrestling. And Vince was a revolutionary man to say the least.
After acquiring the company from his father, Vince signed up various superstars from across the country going against all the conventions that were relevant about the territory.
Hunter hasn’t done anything that revolutionary during his reign but he did open the door for independent stars. WWE is known for breeding their own array of Superstars but Hunter decided that he had more faith in experienced names.
The current roster possessing names like Cesaro, Rollins, Kenta, and Prince Devitt shows Hunter’s love for indie stars.
#4 There was Shane then and there is Stephanie now
It’s always good to have a right hand person while ruling over an entire roster. The job of the right hand superstar is often to be there when the boss is absent and make sure that everything is in place for firings and hirings.
Back when Vince was at the helm, all this was done by none other than Shane McMahon, who occasionally got in the ring for his father as well.
Hunter has Stephanie by his side for covering up the things that Shane did for Vince. There is no doubt on the talent that the McMahon children possess and its incredibly hard to draw a line between the characters that they both played in the two situations.
#3 Bret went out bad, so did Punk
Your top star walking out on you is not what any promoter would be fond of. Back before the Attitude Era, Bret Hart was the face of WWF and no one could have magined seeing him walk out on the company.
Bret however decided that he was going to WCW which led to the Montreal Screwjob. It was something that shook the whole wrestling world and Vince had to go through a tough time patching up the loss.
This was the same situation that Hunter was in when CM Punk walked out amidst the chaotic preparations for WrestleMania 30. Triple H still managed to pull off a good show which was similar to what Vince did after the infamous day at Montreal.
#2 Hogan Cena syndrome
Almost all the professional wrestling promotions have the need of being able to rely on one particular superstar to be the face of the company.
Before the Attitude Era, Vince relied on Hulk Hogan for this while in the reality era Hunter had Cena. Hogan and Cena were baby faces that had a portion of fans cheering for them while another portion find it confusing as to why the company didn’t let them turn heel.
These are two extremely similar superstars when it comes to the way they were booked and handled by McMahon and Hunter respectively. Hogan had to go to WCW for his heel turn and maybe Cena will need something similar so that we would have another point to brag about.
#1 Both gave birth to a rebel
The whole point of having a strong heel authority figure is to bring up a babyface equally powerful. Usually termed as the rebels or underdogs, these superstars often go through the obstacle course designed by Authority to finally get their hands on what they want.
During the age of Vince, WWE brought up Stone Cold Steve Austin with this formula while it is Daniel Bryan who has got the pick in modern times.
Both Bryan and Austin were extremely different superstars but they had similairties in the way they were booked.
Recently Dean Ambrose started showing a similar touch that Austin had and hopefully once he returns, Ambrose would be pushed into the main event as Bryan is no longer there to fill the void.