#1 Steve Austin

The Texas Rattlesnake is probably the greatest sports entertainer of all time, based on his overall appeal and ability to transcend the wrestling business.
That being said, at one time Steve was not getting the push he deserved as 'Stunning Steve Austin' in WCW and ended up being fired by Eric Bischoff. Picking up with his old manager Paul 'E' Dangerously (Paul Heyman) in ECW, Steve would begin to cut epic promo's about WCW and feud with ECW's Sandman and Mikey Whipwreck through 1995 before finally signing with the WWF.
Steve would adopt Mikey's finisher (the Whipper-Snapper) and rename it the Stone Cold Stunner to give us one of the most iconic finishing moves in history.
Edited by Shiven Sachdeva