#8 Survivor Series 1990 — The Million Dollar Team vs. The Dream Team

Sometimes, despite a match having a line up of legendary superstars, the action inside the ropes can fail to live up to expectations. More often than not, however, when you put the right mix of people in a ring together, magic ensues.
This is very much the case with Survivor Series 1990, and the Million Dollar Team vs. The Dream Team traditional 5 on 5 elimination match. With a mouth-watering line-up including Greg Valentine, Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes and Ted Dibiase, fans were treated to the kind of action that typified the WWF in the late 80s/early 90s. It was over the top, theatrical and mesmerising but also showed us glimpses of what the future held.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
During this period, Bret Hart was clearly being earmarked as a future singles star. Anyone who is interested in how guys like Bret, Mr Perfect and Shawn Michaels would later affect the WWF product following the departure of the big time players in the early 90s would certainly appreciate this showing by the Hitman.
Of course, the 1990 Survivor Series event will always be remembered as the first time the WWF/E Universe was introduced to the Undertaker. Dibiase had been boasting that a mystery man would be joining his team and after a memorable introduction, out came the giant Mark Calloway dressed as a Wild West funeral director.
Taker had an impressive early showing but eliminated himself by fighting with Rhodes on the outside of the ring. He would be WWF Champion within the year.