#7 Aleister Black shined despite boundaries

Aleister Black quickly touched on the idea of wrestlers being handcuffed in the WWE landscape.
"If there's no cuffs, and you can do whatever you want, you know it's a different landscape, but if you're able to shine in a place where you have boundaries and you're surrounded by rules, that right there is the testimony of being a true professional," said Black.
He spoke about FTR, formerly known as The Revival in WWE, and said that they had the same views on a lot of stuff in the wrestling business, and that was what made it fun for him.
#8 A group of people actually thought Aleister Black was in the Illuminati
One of the crazier revelations in this stream was that there was a group that thought Aleister Black was in the Illuminati and believed he sacrificed kids. He stated that the group would reference the tattoos on his arm as being those of a child molester. He noted that WWE had to ultimately "kill that channel" and almost sued them for him.
Black did say that he thought it was great that people believed him to be somewhat of a satanist due to how he portrayed the character.