#3 Limited screen time for Heyman himself

There are those creative people in wrestling infamous for placing themselves front and center in the on air product to stroke their own egos or because they genuinely believe that they’re best people to their vision of a storyline over.
Heyman has appeared as an on air personality more than once while also directing creative in the past, and so it’s far from unthinkable that he would do so again.
However, at this stage of his career, Heyman is older, already well established, and not known to serving his own vanity over the wellbeing of the product.
Indeed, for as counterintuitive as it might seem, one of the surest signs of his influence over SummerSlam may be that he takes a step back. Perhaps we will only see Heyman on camera then he’s accompanying Brock Lesnar to the ring to do battle with Seth Rollins over the Universal Championship.