#4 Triple H tears his quad…twice

Triple H is many things to many people, but one thing that can definitely be said about him is that he’s committed to WWE. He has shown this many times throughout his career, but two notable examples include both occasions on which he tore hid quads.
The first time, in a famous match on RAW in 2001, HHH tore his quadriceps muscle completely off the bone and was soon seen writing in pain because he literally could not put any weight on that leg.
But he didn’t call the match off; instead, he went with the match as it was supposed to, which included him spending a long time in the Walls of Jericho (with a torn quad). Say what you will about ‘worked’ wrestling moves; having your leg stretched while a muscle is completely torn off the bone must be excruciating.
Then, of course, he suffered the same injury years later (albeit to the other leg) and still came back and performed as if the injury never happened. Now THAT takes passion and commitment.