#3 Triple H

It is no secret that The Undertaker is close to Vince McMahon and his entire family. So much so, that he has always been a protective figure for Stephanie McMahon. This story dates back to the time when Triple H had just started dating Stephanie. Unfortunately for ‘The Game’, the locker room had started to look at him in a slightly different manner when he was first involved with Stephanie.
Tired of the constant glares and whispers amidst his peers, Triple H turned towards The Undertaker for dating advice as the latter was dubbed as the locker room leader backstage. ‘The Game’ shed some light on the incident in the book WWE: The Attitude Era.
Triple H wanted to know The Undertaker’s thoughts on The Game’s rumored relationship with Stephanie that had been fetching him a lot of heat backstage. The Deadman, without wasting a second, suggested that both of them should not pay any heed towards the opinions of others and should follow their heart instead.
As a result, Triple H gained confidence in the relationship with Stephanie. Years passed by and now Triple H and Stephanie are happily married.