#1 Ethan Carter III
How many of us remember that Derrick Bateman character in NXT? Of course, you do. For whatever reason, WWE creative just couldn't figure out exactly what to do with this guy and while it's impossible to foresee the future, I have no doubt that someone regrets letting this one get away.
Since being released from his WWE contract in 2013, Carter has been on a complete tear. Ethan has indeed found his groove and rode it to the very top. Ever since the birth of "Team Dixie," he has taken the initiative that he's the man and if anyone else wants to be at the top, they must go through EC3.
Carter has a new found sense of swagger and charisma, to accompany his great fundamental skill-set. He's ready, right away to take an upper-mid card role with the WWE and would be a very valuable addition to either Raw or Smackdown.