#2 Roman Reigns and the Rock are booed

Sometimes, the time and place just aren't right for the rise of a new hero.
That was certainly true in the early 2000s, when Marvel tried - and quite frankly, failed - to bring one of their most celebrated properties, Daredevil, to movie screens. Even though superhero movies were a hot property in that era, the Ben Affleck led melodrama failed to ignite much interest at the box office.
Perhaps the same thing happened to Roman Reigns in the 2015 Royal Rumble match. It wasn't that Reigns was unpopular at the time - he regularly received cheers. The issue seemed to be that two particular superstars were the favorites to win the Royal Rumble among fans, and then that didn't happen.
On the heel side, Bray Wyatt was perhaps having his best career year, garnering huge ratings and merch sales based on his Wyatt Family stable. On the face side, Daniel Bryan was so ridiculously popular that WWE had a phenomenon on their hands before they knew what to make of the Yes Movement.
When neither of those favorites won, it put Roman Reigns in an unenviable position as a spoiler. Though he was scripted for a heroic comeback that included interference from his movie star cousin the Rock, Reigns was booed out of the arena. You can see the confusion on Rock's face, which was surely mirrored backstage in Vince McMahon's office.