#6 Goldberg VS The Rock (Backlash 2003)

Over the years, many have made their WWE in-ring debut at the PPV of Backlash, but none was bigger than Bill Goldberg.
After WCW was overtaken by the WWE, many big names had not signed with WWE, and Goldberg was one of them.
Goldberg had a great record in WCW. He was former WCW Heavyweight Champion, former WCW US Champion, and his greatest record was his undefeated streak of 174 matches.
When Goldberg finally signed with the WWE in 2003, he was immediately put in a feud with The Rock.
On paper, Goldberg vs The Rock sounded very good, with all the achievements of both these men; it had classic written all over it. It was WCW's best VS WWE's best.
But the match failed to deliver. The entire match Goldberg only punched and used lock-ups, doing nothing creative.
The crowd chanting, ‘Goldberg Sucks’ didn’t help either. The match exposed Goldberg as a bad worker with a limited move set.
Goldberg’s big WWE in-ring debut was a failure, and it only went downhill from there. Goldberg would leave the WWE after WrestleMania XX, until his recent return in 2015.