#2 Stone Cold VS The Rock (Backlash 1999)

.Backlash 1999 was the first PPV of that name, and the main event was The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin for the championship, with Shane'O Mac as the special guest referee.
Before the match had begun, Vince had kept Stephanie inside the limousine surrounded by guards protecting her from Undertaker’s Ministry. The Ministry had vowed to capture Stephanie and sacrifice her.
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The main event started, and The Rock and Austin had a classic attitude era brawl. The match went back and forth, and Austin was on the verge of winning when Shane refused to count the pin.
At that moment Vince came out and knocked out his son, and brought another referee to make the count. Austin won and Vince handed the belt to Austin.
As the match ended, the cameras showed Stephanie being abducted by the Undertaker, who was disguised as the driver of the limousine, while Vince was still inside the arena.
This moment was made more memorable when Vince declared that he was behind it all, in the worst anti-climatic endings to a storyline. Well, that is wrestling for you.