Brothers divided, brothers fall; brothers united, brothers fail!

Bullet Club's Young Bucks have taken their savvy minds and turned the New Japan faction into a money minting machine with their merchandise sales. It is their acumen that turned it into a household name and it's them who have the most to lose.
On one hand are friends they've made recently, on the other hand, there's Kenny Omega - the third member of The Elite, a stable comprising of the three. The Bucks have thus decided to sit out of the conflict and let it boil over, letting the chips land where they may.
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Their non-involvement will be their downfall, as they see everything torn apart when they could have fixed what they imagine as just a small war of egos.
Of course, fans expect The Young Bucks to eventually interfere and superkick one side (most likely Cody's AKA The Heel Side) to make their allegiances known, it is their modus operandi after all. Yet it'd be far more interesting and logical if they didn't take a stand simply because of the emotional burden on them, elevating their stale metacharacters.
Despite each one debating their sides (Matt is with Cody while Nick is with Kenny, for now), they'll have to decide, and they will choose Kenny Omega and his newly formed Golden ELITE Club!