To misquote Hulk Hogan: emojimania is running wild, brother.
The little tiny faces that people either love or hate have taken on a life of their own in 2017. A recent report claimed 92 percent of online users like to send them, while The Emoji Movie that came out in July was widely criticised but still made over $215 million worldwide.
With that in mind, and because the Survivor Series main event sucked so much joy out of our lives that we need smiley yellow people to cheer us up again, we decided to compare and contrast 10 of WWE’s current performers with 10 of the most popular emojis used around the world.
Disclaimer: We refrained from using country’s flags – that’s just too obvious, people!
#1 Chris Jericho

Well, this one was easy. Several Superstars have been considered the ‘Greatest of All Time’ but only one current performer, Chris Jericho, has taken the ‘G.O.A.T’ nickname so far as to have it emblazoned onto the back of his trunks.
And when someone else is considered to be the greatest, Y2J isn’t best pleased, as proven in February 2017 when he added Patriots quarterback Tom Brady to ‘The List of Jericho’, simply because they share the same nickname.
#2 Carmella

With the greatest of respect to Baron Corbin’s short-lived tenure as Mr Money In The Bank, nobody screams the ‘money’ emoji quite like Carmella.
“The Princess of Staten Island” defeated Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Natalya and Tamina in June to become WWE’s first Ms Money In The Bank.
She has since had a change of ring attire, adding a giant dollar sign to her leotard, and she even has this exact emoji in her Twitter bio – not once but SEVEN times!
#3 Mike & Maria Kanellis

No wrestling couple better sums up this emoji than Mike & Maria Kanellis, whose one and only intention since joining WWE in June 2017 has been to show off their undying “power of love” for each other at every opportunity.
Some find this emoji nice, some find it annoying. However, the stats don’t lie and, according to data revealed by Facebook in 2017, this is the third-most popular emoji used on the social networking site.
#4 Pumpkin Balor

On the final episode of Raw before TLC 2017, it was revealed that Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor’s match at the pay-per-view would be a battle of their two alter-egos – Bray’s Sister Abigail and Balor’s Demon King.
Sadly, Bray missed the event due to illness and we never got to see him compete as Sister Abigail or Balor compete in his revamped Demon King attire.
Whether that’s a good thing or bad thing, perhaps we’ll never know, but you only have to search ‘Pumpkin Balor’ on Twitter to see fans’ disappointment that we didn’t witness a Halloween-themed Finn at TLC.
#5 AJ Styles/Finn Balor

The ‘Too Sweet’ phenomenon has caught on so much that it now has its own emoji!
Okay, that’s a total lie. This is actually the emoji for ‘metal horns’, but if AJ Styles uses this emoji on Twitter for the simple reason that it almost resembles the ‘Too Sweet’ gesture, then it’s good enough for us.
#6 Boo Dallas

Before he was a member of The Miztourage, Bo Dallas was an enthusiastic irritant who spoke week after week about positivity, even when he lost, and regularly encouraged the WWE Universe to “Bo-lieve” in him.
That changed on a 2015 Halloween special of SmackDown when, for one night and one night only, he became “Boo Dallas”.
He failed to scare Renee Young and Cesaro before successfully frightening Mark Henry, who promptly knocked him out.
#7 Bayley

For four years, Bayley has played the loveable hugger whose primary objective is to put a smile on young fans’ faces, even at the expense of winning matches and titles, so this angelic emoji sums up her character to perfection.
As much as fans would like to see the angel become a devil, talk of a heel turn has quietened down in the last few months.
Maybe, just maybe, we’ll see it sometime in 2018.
#8 The Wyatt Family

Bray Wyatt revealed in a 2014 media interview that, while walking down a German street with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, someone heading in their direction was so terrified of the three bearded WWE Superstars that they quickly turned around and ran away as fast as they could.
If that’s not a good enough reason to link the ‘shock horror’ emoji with the Wyatt Family, then we don’t know what is!
#9 Enzo Amore

Some might say this emoji perfectly sums up Enzo Amore’s abilities as an in-ring performer, but we’re not THAT cruel and we wouldn’t dare suggest such a thing.
Instead, we’ve chosen this one for “The Realest Guy In The Room” for the very obvious reason that, like Chris Jericho and his ‘G.O.A.T’ nickname, he has this emoji emblazoned on his attire.
Nobody quite knows why Enzo decided to do this, but it certainly gets people talking – just look at the search results for ‘Enzo emoji’ on Twitter.
#10 The Miz

Some find the ‘cool’ emoji amusing, others find it smug and annoying.
In 2017, a year when The Miz has surprisingly turned detractors into believers, he can probably be described as all three of those things.
The addition of sunglasses to his Hollywood actor entrance attire means this popular emoji really cannot go to anyone else other than “The A-Lister”.
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