#2 Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns needs to be considered one of the most bizarre feuds in WWE history. For an age, Roman Reigns had been built to slay the beast, but for some reason, the company refused to pull the trigger, time after time. So Roman Reigns was then built up again, and the trigger still wasn't pulled, and the cycle continued. It was a nightmare seemingly without an end. The entire Monday Night Raw brand was a casualty, as the disappearance of its top title for over a year left the card directionless.
It didn't help that all three encounters between Lesnar and Reigns this year were abysmal. Doing four moves in a loop doesn't make for a good match.
The mercy killing (for now) finally came at SummerSlam, with Vince McMahon concocting a highly convoluted scheme to prevent a repeat of WrestleMania 34. Maybe it would have been better if he just got the message that people weren't interested.
Hopefully, when Roman Reigns returns, he moves on to better things, though we can never be totally sure. Let's hope this feud never comes back from the dead.