#10 Everyone drinks from a 'Dirty Pint' if Taker loses

Though the match with John Cena vs The Undertaker seems very likely, I find it hard to see what the outcome would be. To me, it seems strange to bury The Undertaker once again (pardon the pun). That said he does just draw a crowd, regardless of the result.
So away from the typical rule of taking a sip of your drink, if The Undertaker loses the match, everyone should mix their drinks into what is often called a ‘dirty pint’, once it is mixed, everyone one in the room should take an equal share of the mix and down it in one go, and then go to bed, because all is lost if The Undertaker loses.
Rule: If The Undertaker loses, everyone mixes their drink, whatever it is, into a communal glass, which is then handed out to each individual to drink an equal share.