#9 Hulk Hogan’s Epic Line Screw-Up On SmackDown
This was the reason why SmackDown was originally a taped show.
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Hulk Hogan’s promos have, for the most part, been fantastic throughout his career. He’s been known to whip a crowd into a frenzy with very little effort and keep them on his side throughout any match. But even Hogan was capable of mistakes.
Here, Hogan tries to go do a long-winded rebuttal to Vince McMahon’s promo, but as he gets to the end, he flubs his lines completely. He seems completely incapable of saying the words ‘right guy at the right place at the right time’. Instead, he stutters a few times and ends up muttering words like ‘the right gay..guy’.
It was an awkward promo that left both Hogan and Vince looking weird. They both stood there as Hogan tried desperately to remember his lines, and looked relieved once the promo was over.
Clearly, he wasn’t on top of his game on this night.