#9 Sting and his baseball bat

The Monday Night War era saw WCW take on a more realistic edge that was in so many ways influential upon the direction WWE, and the wrestling business, on the whole, would take for the years to follow.
Chief in WCW's new approach to creative was the New World Order as a rebellious invading heel force with an irresistible edge. Hollywood Hogan stood at the fore of this stable, striking a unique balance between playing a hated heel character within a group that grew quite popular for its cool heel antics.
Sting stood up against the group as a lone wolf character. To equalize the many situations in which he found himself outnumbered, a baseball bat became The Icon’s weapon of choice.
Members of the nWo wielded bats at times, too, and so Sting carrying one underscored the shades of gray attached to his character and the early intrigue about whose side he was on. The bat lived on as a signature part of Sting’s gimmick.