#3 The Mountie and his shock stick

While some wrestlers of the 1980s and 1990s became icons based on cartoonish occupational gimmicks that they made their own, Jacques Rougeau was probably more of a victim than a beneficiary of this style of booking as a talented, deceptively strong wrestler became best known for playing a Canadian law enforcement professional, complete with a silly take on the Mountie uniform and his signature shock stick.
The shock stick was actually a fairly novel weapon for its time—not just a blunt object to hit someone with, but a more dangerous device that threatened to truly incapacitate its victim—not to mention a blatantly unfair device for a heel to subdue and steal victories from better face competition.
The Mountie would peak with a short Intercontinental Championship win, though the use of this weapon arguably inspired the use of tasers and cattle prods to come, particularly in WCW. Notable uses included Harley Race taking out Cactus Jack with one on Big Van Vader’s behalf at Halloween Havoc 1993, and all the more memorably Scott Hall using one on Goldberg at Starrcade 1998 to help Kevin Nash end the streak.