#3 Mark Henry

For the past two decades, Mark Henry was billed as the ‘World’s Strongest Man’ in the WWE. That wasn’t an exaggeration either, as Henry competed in - and won many strongman competitions, including the prestigious Arnold Classic in 2002. In fact, no one in history has been able to match Henry feats in the five competitive lifts - the clean and jerk and snatch in weightlifting, the bench press, squat and deadlift in powerlifting, leading many to believe that Mark was the strongest man that ever lived, and according one lifting statistician, ‘history’s greatest lifter’!
Henry competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta - not the first athlete to have competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics and later become a world champion in WWE. However, before the event, Mark Henry severely injured his back, and while a lot was expected from Henry, he finished in the 14th position, and he subsequently retired from weightlifting.
With the amount of media attention Henry received before the Olympics, Vince McMahon offered Henry a 10 - year contract, and twenty years later, he is still with the company, having won the World Heavyweight Championship in the promotion.