#4 Kevin Owens

Remember the time when Kevin Owens head-butted Vince McMahon? Many believed that it reaffirmed WWE’s intentions of making him a main eventer, and that they would put the WWE title on him.
Owens is a former Universal Champion, but was overshadowed by the likes of Goldberg and Roman Reigns on RAW. He has the charisma, mic skills and the in-ring skills to carry the company on his shoulders, and more than anything else, he expects nothing less than hundred percent from himself.
Shane McMahon’s involvement in the feud between Owens and Styles completely killed the former's momentum, and while he was involved in WWE Championship matches, no one expected Owens to win the title. While KOMania hasn’t swept the WWE Universe the way he would’ve hoped, we can see Owens becoming a legitimate main eventer in the company in 2018.