Not all seeds grow in all soils.
What goes for the plant kingdom sometimes goes for people as well. There are many who find that they don't fit in with the culture of their workplace, or feel they would find fulfillment elsewhere. The same is true for pro wrestlers. If they find that they cannot achieve their goals working for a company like WWE, there is always a possibility of working elsewhere.
But then there are those wrestlers who have either burned bridges, behaved poorly, or just wouldn't be a good fit for the WWE. These are wrestlers who will either never work for WWE or have worked for them but have lost all chance of going back.
Here are ten wrestlers who might never be hired, or re-hired, by the WWE.
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#1 Adam Page

One of the reasons you'll never see Adam Page in WWE is his name...or rather, what's missing from it.
Adam Page had been going by Hangman Adam Page in NJPW and ROH. It fit in well with his Bullet Club stablemates. However, the WWE filed cease and desist orders against Page, claiming that they had a trademark on the name Hangman due to the existence of an enhancement tag team in WCW called the Texas Hangmen.
Rather than engage in a costly legal battle with the WWE's juggernaut resources, Page dropped the name. In addition to his bitterness over being robbed of his nickname, he also doesn't feel he needs WWE to succeed.
"Going to WWE doesn't feel important to me anymore. It's not something I'm interested in. I really feel like in the past few years my goals have shifted from, 'I want to accomplish X, Y, Z,' to I want to make a good living for my family.--Adam page.
It'll be a cold day in Hades when you see Adam Page in a WWE ring.
#2. Blitzkrieg the German Juggernaut.

As crazy and wild as the world of pro wrestling is, there are certain things that you just don't do or the fans will turn against you.
Angles involving rape, murder, or drug use are generally frowned upon, as are blatantly racist gimmicks--usually. However, one young wrestler has chosen to try and gain heat in a rather offensive way.
Blitzkrieg is an independent wrestler who carries the Iron Cross--Nazi Germany's other symbol besides the Swastika--and performs the Nazi salute as part of his entrance. Outrage has forced him to lose his job at a public school, and he has been having difficulty getting bookings because promoters want to avoid the controversy.
Because of his decision to utilize a gimmick that is traumatizing to a lot of people, Blitzkrieg has permanently blacklisted himself from the WWE. There is no way that the company will ever be willing to hire him based his controversial past.
#3. Earl Hebner

Earl Hebner, despite being a senior official at WWE and enjoying a lucrative contract, decided that he needed another revenue stream.
Unfortunately, he chose to engage in criminal activity. Hebner and his twin brother Dave stole the files for a lot of WWE merchandise and began manufacturing cheap knock offs and selling them. When WWE caught wind, they fired Hebner immediately, though they did not press criminal charges (possibly due to Hebner's long tenure with the company.)
Still, he burned his bridges with WWE, and you won't be seeing Hebner in a WWE ring again unless it's as part of a posthumous HOF induction.
#4. Raven

The hardcore icon Raven was once thought to have a bright future with WWE, even though his wrestling days were dwindling.
Possessed of great creativity--he even penned novels and comic books--WWE made Raven a backstage writer, a role he performed quite well. However, spending all that time with officials backstage worked against him in an unusual way. He was fired and blacklisted from WWE because of his friendship with Shane McMahon.
Shane and Raven would go out drinking together and become heavily intoxicated. While drunk, Raven would complain about decisions Shane's father Vince made. The still-drunk Shane would call from his hotel room and ramble at his father about all the things Raven said he was doing wrong.
Vince eventually got tired of this cycle and fired Raven, shutting the door on any future returns. So unless Vince thaws his attitude or retires as CEO of WWE, Raven won't be working for them anytime soon.
#5. Mr. Kennedy (Mr. Anderson)

When Ken Anderson, better known as either Mr. Kennedy or Mr. Anderson--first started his WWE run he seemed to have a rocket ship strapped to his back.
He defeated six former world champions in a short time, he won the Money in the Bank contract, and was over with the crowd.
However, three WWE veteran objected to his meteoric rise and sought to stunt his momentum. Randy Orton complained that Kennedy was stiff in the ring, causing real injuries to his opponent. John Cena was quick to add his two cents backing up Orton, and Triple H allegedly never liked Ken Anderson as a person, though he saw worth in his value as a performer.
When Anderson wound up sidelined with injuries in rapid succession, the WWE cut him loose. Given that Orton is still in a prominent role with the company, and Triple H is all but assured to be Vince's heir, Kennedy doesn't have much hope for a return to the WWE.
#6. Teddy Hart

Teddy Hart is quite talented in the ring, as you might expect from a member of the Hart Dynasty. However, his talent has gone to his head and he developed a huge ego.
He set records by being the youngest man ever signed to a WWE contract in history, but was quickly released from the company due to numerous 'attitude problems.' Hart would criticize and put down other wrestlers for their work, try to start fights and had substance abuse issues.
After his release, he could have taken stock of himself and made some changes, but his behavior only seemed to worsen. Sexual assault allegations, drug dealing, and unscripted aerial attacks on other wrestlers have all damaged his reputation to the point where he has trouble getting bookings, even in his native Canada. Pigs will fly before you see Teddy Hart in a WWE ring.
#7. Zahra

The tattooed model had a great look, and managed to capture the attention of Seth Rollins, but ultimately failed to make much of an impact in the ring.
Despite her limited ring ability, WWE was still interested in using her as a manager or valet. However, due to numerous incidents backstage with her fellow talent, Schreiber was labeled a troublemaker, and the last straw came when social media posts of her defending Nazis came to light. Given her lack of ability, poor attitude, and controversial posts, Zahra has no chance of ever being offered a WWE contract.
#8. Ryback

Ryback had a great look when he debuted as Skip Sheffield, a loveable Texas hick. Just when it seemed he might be gaining some momentum, however, he suffered a severe leg fracture and missed a great deal of time in the ring.
When he returned, it wasn't as Skip, but as Ryback, a Goldberg knockoff that overpowered opponents in short matches. The fans didn't take to him, and even chanted 'Goldberg' during his matches. However, that isn't what led to his release.
Ryback has a less than a golden reputation for legit injuring his opponents because of his limited mobility and athleticism. He also doesn't resonate well with the fans, despite a monster push by the WWE. But the real nail in the coffin has been his behavior after the release.
Ryback has complained quite vehemently about WWE management and their inability to make him a star. He has also claimed to be responsible for many of the top stars in the company because he 'took them under his wing,' such as Braun Strowman and Chad Gable. His bitter social media posts and constant put-downs of WWE means he will not likely ever work for them again.
#9. Paul London

Paul London had many problems with his WWE run. First, he didn't want to work in a tag team, but was paired with Brian Kendrick anyway. Despite the fact that they enjoyed a stellar reign as tag team champions, he never seemed happy.
He also was displeased that they took his shooting star press finishing move and gave it to newcomer Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal.) But the final straw came when Vince McMahon was walking to his 'death' on Raw. McMahon passed through a hallway lined with wrestlers, most of whom played their part for the storyline. Something dark and bad was about to happen so they had faces full of dread. However, London chose to smirk at McMahon as he went past.
The fans poorly received the 'death' angle and even cheered at McMahon's 'funeral' on RAW. Despite the fact that it was a bad idea, management blamed the angle's failure on London's smirk, saying he had ruined the entire storyline by breaking kayfabe.
Things are different now, but kayfabe was taken more seriously back then. London has said he will not ever work for WWE again, and we are inclined to agree.
#10. Moose

A 300-pound man who can execute vertical dropkicks and top rope planchas doesn't come along very often. You'd think that WWE would be thrilled to have a superstar like Moose on their roster, and they would---if it weren't for his tarnished past.
The WWE has a 'zero tolerance' policy on domestic abuse. Because of prior convictions of assaulting his girlfriend, Moose is permanently disqualified from holding a WWE contract. Moose would love to work for them, and the WWE could take his career to new heights, but it's not going to happen.
There you have it; Ten people who will never be hired or rehired by the WWE.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.