#6 The Inverted (Ura) Go 2 Sleep
Proposed User: Hideo Itami
The GTS is a wildly popular and risky move. The poor soul taking it and the user both need to have perfect timing so that the victim doesn’t get their skull fractured by a knee hitting them in the face. Even though Hideo Itami created te move before CM Punk ever started using it regularly, the WWE fans think of Punk more than of Itami whenever the GTS is seen.
Thus, to kill two birds with one stone, I propose an alternative: have Itami hit the GTS from a backbreaker rack instead of a fireman’s carry, and have his knee hit the back of the head instead of the face. While it’s true that both versions carry an equal amount of danger to them (it’s a knee lift to the head, after all), at least Itami has a better chance of carving out his own identity in WWE using the latter than he does the original GTS, which might as well be renamed to ‘CM Punk’s finisher’.