#6 Bastion Booger, Compulsive Overeating Disorder

Lately, the United States has suffered a 'crisis' of overeating disorder, with one in six Americans thought to be suffering from the condition. Only occurring in societies where food is plentiful -- there were no diagnoses in Somalia, for example -- Compulsive Overeating Disorder is characterized by food binges, without the follow up self-induced vomiting of Bulimia, another eating disorder.
Bastion Booger, also known as Friar Ferguson until the Catholic Church threatened legal action, certainly loved to eat. Just watch him on 'commentary' with Vince McMahon on this old episode of Raw.
There are many different treatments for the condition, as there are many differing causes. If the Compulsive Overeating is a reaction to stress, psychotherapy or antidepressants may be required. On the other hand, if the patient has low levels of serotonin, then hormone therapy might be the best pursuit.
Lastly, sometimes the nerves in the belly that make a person feel 'full' don't work properly, and gastrointestinal surgery may be required. It's hard to imagine Bastion going in for any of those solutions since he seems quite content to put away massive quantities of food.