#7 Daniel Bryan Vs Shinsuke Nakamura
When Daniel Bryan announced his return to the ring earlier this year, fans around the world rejoiced, while wrestling journalists the world over began cobbling together lists of dream matches that they would like to see the former World Heavyweight Champion compete in.
Top of most of those lists was current US champion, Shinsuke Nakamura. While Nakamura's feud with AJ Styles failed to live up to expectations, and the former NXT champion has not truly delivered in the way most fans had expected, there is no denying that he is still one of the best wrestlers on the planet.
Nakamura's strong-style approach to wrestling has been somewhat diluted on the main roster, and if the WWE allowed him and Bryan to work the kind of match they wanted to, there is no doubt that the two men could tear the roof down wherever they were working.