At some point during the evolution of pro-wrestling, someone came up with the brilliant idea of each wrestler having a finishing move. This way, fans would know when a good guy was in trouble or when a bad guy was about to get pinned.
The finishing move added a whole new element to professional wrestling. Over the last several decades, many finishing moves have become so high profile they're more popular than some wrestlers.
Let's take a look at Ten such finishing moves which generated the loudest crowd reactions.
#10 The Banzai drop

The 600 pound Yokozuna has been the only wrestler to use the Banzai Drop as a finisher.
Quite possibly the most decimating move in the history of wrestling. A manoeuvre that holds a higher than normal risk of injury. Yokozuna would drag his prone enemy to a corner. As the victim laid there, Yokozuna would climb to the second rope and jump off.
With a loud thud, Yokozuna would land butt first on his enemies. He would just sit there, 600 pounds of flesh atop another human being which was really hard to watch.
#9 The Superfly Splash

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka was the creator of the Superfly Splash. In the late 70s and early 80s, there was no more daring manoeuvre than the Superfly Splash.
The WWE (then WWF) built a legend around Snuka. They claimed he was from the Fiji islands and jumped off cliffs all his life. And thus, fans were to presume his splash was legit.
Funny enough, countless combatants would later claim that the Superfly Splash was no joke. Jimmy Snuka was very tight with the move and opponents could feel every inch of impact.
#8 The Rock Bottom

An extremely celebrated finishing move that came out of the WWF's attitude era. The Rock Bottom is a modified side slam. The Rock would grab his assailants around the neck, and then throw the assailants arm behind his own head.
Once he had his opponents hooked, he would hoist him high in the air and slam him on his back. It wasn't often an opponent would get up from the impact
#7 The Macho Elbow

"Macho Man" Randy Savage had the best flying elbow drop of all time. It was dynamic, hard-hitting and completely original.
Whereas most wrestlers would land on their butts, Savage would land directly on his hip. Surprisingly, Savage never broke his hip.
In the 80s, the Macho Madness elbow drop was a replay you couldn't miss. There was something magical about the Macho Man, in his multi-coloured gear, flying through the air. It kept people glued to the television.
#6 Sweet Chin Music

The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels had been using a superkick as his finishing move for several years before the crowd caught up with the hype. In fact, Michaels would often use the superkick as a set up for a side suplex.
Around 1995, the Sweet Chin Music was starting to catch on with fans. Michaels took advantage of this. Soon he was pumping up the crowd by stomping his foot before he performed the manoeuvre. It was great showmanship on the part of Shawn Michaels.
#5 RKO

The RKO is a manoeuvre currently performed by WWE superstar Randy Orton. RKO is the initials of Randy (Keith) Orton. It also stands for Randy Knock Out.
The RKO is a flashier version of Diamond Dallas Page's Diamond Cutter. Rather than just dropping, as Page did, Randy adds more flair. Orton jumps high and floats there.
The move is effective and can be pulled out of nowhere. It has led Orton to several WWE World Heavyweight Championships. It is the single most famous finishing wrestling move in the WWE today.
#4 The Tombstone Piledriver

The piledriver has many distinct variations. However, the most famous variation is the Tombstone Piledriver.
Perfected and popularized by The Undertaker, and used later by his brother Kane, the Tombstone Piledriver has been the death of many careers. Jake The Snake Roberts, Kamala and an Imposter Undertaker have all retired after dropping victim to the act.
#3 The Legdrop

No wrestling move has finished off more antagonists than Hulk Hogan's leg drop of doom. Contemplate the bulky thigh and calf muscle of a 300-pound man landing on your neck. The mighty orange superstar would usually hit his opponent with a size 15 boot to the face before doing the exterminating finisher.
By today's standards, the legdrop is considered purely basic and unimpressive. Try telling that to Andre The Giant, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ric Flair and Triple H. All of them have fallen victim to Hulk Hogan's Atomic Leg drop.
#2 The People's Elbow

The single most electrifying finishing manoeuvre in WWE's history. Even as a heel bad guy, The Rock could elicit a fan favourite reaction when he got ready to deliver The Peoples Elbow.
The elbow itself was never a devastating move. In fact, there are abundant wrestlers who have superior elbow drops than The Rock's. But the way The Rock moved and his crowd interaction are what makes this one of the most famous finishing move in wrestling history.
#1 Stone Cold Stunner

The Stone Cold Stunner is the first move in the history of wrestling to knock out Vince McMahon.
For numerous years, crowds packed arenas worldwide to eyewitness Steve Austin give his foes the stunner.
Originally created by Johnny Ace, whose real name is John Laurinaitis, Austin brought the move to the height of popularity. Kids everywhere ran around their schools and neighbourhoods giving one another stunners.