#2 The Dibiase Posse
Speaking of Cody Rhodes, one of his first roles in the company was as part of Legacy, a heel faction led by Randy Orton. Around 2012, his fellow Legacy member Ted Dibiase Jr. was tipped for great things and was even once rumoured to end the Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania.
The WWE made a huge error with Legacy, positioning Orton, who was already established, for a huge babyface push at the expense of the younger talent. Even when the WWE saw sense and turned Dibiase face, there was very little momentum behind him. Perhaps the best attempt at getting him over was the creation of the Dibiase Posse.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Effectively, this was the collective name for his fanbase, but he would often come to the ring and talk about how he liked to hang out and party with his fans, a little like The Lex Express in ‘93. The problem was, the gimmick didn’t go much further than this.
Surely it wouldn’t have done any harm to the character to actually show video clips of the Posse partying in the street together, hanging off the backs of buses, rather than just relying on Ted talking about his friends like he was making it all up in his own head.
If this gimmick had been given legs, this might have turned into a thing people wanted to join in real life. You could have had mini music concerts outside of the arena with Ted at the front receiving his due babyface adulation. Instead, the gimmick died before it had a chance, and with it, Ted’s career.