#8 Hardcore Battle Royal (WWE WrestleMania 2000)
The Hardcore Championship changed hands 11 times in a 15-minute Hardcore Battle Royal at WWE WrestleMania 2000, but the final title change was not originally planned.
In the closing seconds of the match, Hardcore Holly defeated his storyline cousin, Crash Holly, to win the title. However, he was supposed to start the pinfall a couple of seconds later, meaning Crash would have retained in a chaotic finish.
Much like the Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles situation, WWE switched the title back to Crash one night later on RAW.
#7 The Rock vs. Kurt Angle (WWE No Way Out 2001)
As you can see from the 01:30 mark of the video above, The Rock looked certain to win the WWE Championship from Kurt Angle at No Way Out 2001 after hitting him with his trusty Rock Bottom finisher.
Unfortunately, referee Earl Hebner did not think the match was going to end in that moment, so he stopped his pinfall count just before the 3-count, even though Angle clearly did not kick out.
The Rock followed up with a second Rock Bottom and shouted something in the direction of Hebner, who counted to three.
Angle later said in a Facebook Q&A that Hebner is “a professional, exceptional referee”, but he had “a very bad day” at No Way Out.