#7 Big show vs. Big Cass with Enzo Amore in a shark cage (SummerSlam)

Before Enzo's heel turn after No Mercy, I was ready to write him off as being one of the least entertaining superstars of the year, and his feud with Big Cass, which the Big Show got involved in, was one of the reasons why. It was one repetitive, annoying promo and match after another, but this was the nadir.
Enzo began with one of his usual meandering promos, getting the crowd confused by talking about Lil' Kim, whose existence no one seemed to know about in 2017. Mercifully, it was interrupted by Big Cass, which was about the only good thing in this match.
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What we got from there on out was 10 minutes of slow, plodding movements with the only memorable sound being Enzo shouting and stomping inside the cage, because no one in the crowd cared, to the point that Brooklyn erupted in "boring" chants.
The "climax" came when Enzo stripped down and oiled himself up (and in the PG era, no less) in order to make his escape. He received a big boot from Cass for his efforts, and the crowd went back to sleep. Cass then put him away after a couple of big boots with no one bothering to notice.
The "star" of the match was the guy in the cage that you never cared about to begin with and who wasn't wrestling, which tells you most of what you need to know about it.