#6 Kane in a World Title match

Kane is a future Hall of Famer, and while fans don't respect the character anymore, there is no denying that back in Kane's prime, he was a no-nonsense monster.
But seeing Kane in a World Title match this year was more out of the blue than one would imagine, as many fans didn't expect the big red machine to get a chance at the gold again.
While Kane was just in the Universal Title triple threat match to get pinned by Brock Lesnar, it was still surprising to see him in there, as he had not even been on TV for a while for WWE to build him up again as this untouchable threat to Lesnar's reign.
#7 Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy inside the Hell in a Cell

Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton are two superstars who rose to prominence in the 2000s, and it was only a matter of time before they started becoming the main eventers in the company, while Orton did it as a heel, Hardy did it has a babyface.
But that was ten years ago when these two men were at the top of the WWE food chain respectively, and a lot can change in a decade. That is why the sight of these two men inside the Hell in a Cell was so surprising it was awesome, as the narrative crafted for Hardy and Orton was so well done by WWE, it became a hit with fans.
Moreover, the car crash action these men provided us with is surely appreciated by fans, as this rivalry proved that the stars of the 'ruthless aggression' era can still craft a damn good match.
#8 DX vs Brothers of Destruction

DX vs Brothers of Destruction has an Attitude Era vibe written all over it, as these four men are the most decorated athletes to ever step inside a WWE ring, but the problem with this match is that it's 2018, not 1998, and these four legendary stars are truly past their prime.
But the fact that this match was even possible was truly shocking, as Shawn Micheals coming out of retirement is a sight you never thought you would see. But at the end of the day, these men put on a good match for their capabilities, and for what its worth, nostalgia is good in small doses.