The spear is one of the most well known offenses in pro wrestling. Popularised by Edge in the WWE, though it had been in use in other promotions such as WCW(Goldberg) before that, this move is a shoulder block takedown where the attacker aims for the opponent’s mid section and forces them into the mat. A slight variation of this move is the Gore(Rhyno), which is a high impact spear and does not involve the spear’s double leg takedown.
The very picture of it suggests a hulking attacker using high forward momentum to bring the opponent down. There is a connection between this move and the attacker’s physique which cannot be ignored and which is capitalized by the WWE for its believability.
In order to sell the damaging strength and speed of the wrestler, the spear is the one move that is built into the character as essentially match winning and therefore, seldom countered.
None of this discounts the reversals that are possible on a spear. From Seth Rollins’s countering of Roman Reign’s spear into a pedigree to Chris Benoit’s conversion of Rhyno’s gore into a Crippling Crossface Submission, there have been instances of reversals although those spots were perhaps to add to the exhilaration factor of the match.