#3 Drew McIntyre (WWE RAW)

Every time 10-year challenges gain traction on social media, you can guarantee that Drew McIntyre’s decade-long transformation will be posted by WWE fans or even by the man himself.
During McIntyre’s first spell with WWE between 2007 and 2014, he did not have anywhere near as much facial hair as he does now. As you can see above, he was completely clean-shaven for many of those seven years.
There was once a time when the Scot tried to mix up his look by growing a beard, but the reaction he received from The Undertaker was not very positive.
“When I tried to grow a beard for the first time, he said, ‘I’ve got more hair on my a** than you’ve got on your face, boy.’” [H/T Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory podcast]
With or without facial hair, somebody with McIntyre’s talent and determination was bound to be successful after his 2017 return to WWE, but his current look is certainly a big improvement compared to his 3MB days.