#3. WWE Hall of Famer Kane and WWE Legend The Undertaker (Tombstone)
The Tombstone is undoubtedly one of the most iconic finishers in WWE. The two superstars who've used it have also been legendary: The Undertaker and Kane.
The kayfabe brothers have put countless opponents to rest with this finisher. Typically, another signature move in the Chokeslam precedes The Tombstone, which signals the start of the end of every opponent.
Greats like Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, John Cena, and Shawn Michaels have been wrecked by this move which haunts them even now.
#2. Fourteen-time World Champion Triple H and Former WWE Champion Seth Rollins (Pedigree)
The Pedigree is a finisher created and popularized by Triple H, one of the biggest legends in WWE.
The Game used this maneuver to conquer a host of opponents during his esteemed WWE career that spanned almost two-and-a-half decades. In 2015, Seth Rollins began using this finisher when he sided with The Authority. This came after WWE, at the time, had banned his other finisher, The Stomp.
With Triple H being a pivotal figure in The Authority, it made sense for Seth to use the move to pay homage to his idol. The Visionary subsequently resorted back to The Stomp after his storyline with The Authority ended.