#5 Vader and Paul Orndorff
This is one of the most infamous backstage arguments in recent history, especially due to the circumstances of how it happened and its ending. To make a long story short, Vader was booked to be in two places one after the other, and it was difficult to make it to one of them due to timing. By the time he arrived for the second event, which was a photo shoot, he was very late, but Eric Bischoff failed to notify the crew working the photo shoot that this would happen, even though he had cleared it with Vader himself.
Pal Orndorff was a WCW agent at the time, and was downright furious that Vader was late. While the argument between Orndorff and Vader started off relatively calm (’relatively’ being the key word here), it got increasingly intense as time passed, with Vader making the comment that he didn’t have to report to Orndorff whatsoever (which, while somewhat rude of a comment, was technically true).
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The actual circumstances of the physicality are shrouded in controversy, with differing accounts of what actually happened. Most accounts indicate that Orndorff did antagonize Vader over the scheduling issue, but the actual winner of the fight has been debated.
Some say Vader froze up after his initial shove nearly caused Orndorff to hit a wooden shed, which could’ve hurt him severely, and thus froze up afterwards. Others have painted Orndorff as a conquering hero teaching the bigger man a lesson.
The truth, unfortunately, will always be hard to come by because wrestling is full of egos and contradictory eyewitness accounts.