#5 Roman Reigns, signed in 2010

No matter what, it all seems to come back to Roman Reigns, doesn't it? The golden boy of WWE, the Big Dog, the man who now owns a brand new yard, Reigns is still the centrepiece of the company and has been for a couple years. But to some, it may come as a surprise to know he signed back in 2010.
People probably don't typically think of Reigns as a former FCW guy. It feels like this chiselled ex-football player just showed up with the Shield one day and that was that. But Reigns spent some time in FCW as Leakee, wrestling the likes of Richie Steamboat, Leo Kruger, and even his future Shield mates Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins on a regular basis.
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Although the Shield was wildly successful, Reigns solo mega-push didn't begin until 2014. He had already been with the company for 4 years by that point. That's by no means an eternity, but it brings some perspective.
A lot of people, particularly the Reigns haters, seem to believe he just showed up one day and was handed everything on a silver platter. In reality, the man has been in WWE nearly a decade.