#5 Andre The Giant in The Princess Bride (1987)
The Princess Bride is a fantasy film starring Cary Elwes as the main protagonist and Andre the Giant as Fezzik, a giant, funnily enough. Andre is part of a trio of bandits who kidnap the Princess Buttercup to be killed so her death can be used to start a war.
Andre the Giant is extremely entertaining as the bumbling Giant, and it really helps with the fantasy aspect of the film and the lack of special effects available in 1987.
As a wrestling fan, I’ll watch any rubbish that stars a wrestler because I like to see them in a different environment, but the Princess Bride is actually a brilliant watch. It’s one of the films on this list that I would recommend watching.
#4 Triple H in Blade Trinity (2004)
Yes, Triple H tried his hand at acting before the abomination that’s known as The Chaperone. He appeared in the third film of the Blade trilogy, Blade Trinity. Unfortunately, it was not well received and is considered to be a bad film. He played Jarko Grimwood.
He had an awesome fight scene with Ryan Reynolds in the film that even featured a slow motion bodyslam. As the antagonist, Triple H did not come off well in this battle, and I have included the video below, so you can see how he met his demise.
#3 Steve Austin in Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Stone Cold Steve Austin has had his fair share of flops when it comes to starring in films. He did have a role in the Expendables as one of the antagonists, but that’s a little too well known for my liking. I thought I’d introduce you to a cameo the Rattlesnake had in the 2013 sequel to Grown Ups, Grown Ups 2.
Sandler picks a fight with the bully Stone Cold is playing, and the wig flies off; but just as it’s all about to kick off, Austin sells Sandler like he’s Tyson and makes him the most popular guy at the party.
#2 Kurt Angle in Pain & Gain (2013)
As I mentioned in the introduction, The Rock is one of the biggest movie stars there is and in 2013, he starred in Pain & Gain alongside Mark Wahlberg. The film focused on a real story where bodybuilders would lead a life of crime.
The Rock is not the only wrestler to feature in this film. During a scene in a prison yard, he comes into an altercation with another prisoner played by none other than Kurt Angle! For those wanting a No Way Out 2001 nostalgia trip, this is as good as it gets other than watching the pay-per-view again.
Spoiler Alert: The Rock wins by lobbing a weight at Kurt Angle’s face. The video is below for your viewing pleasure.
#1 Macho Man Randy Savage in Spider-Man (2002)
Before superhero movies had any sort of direction, there was Spiderman. It was good at the time, but it wasn’t a patch on the Marvel and DC outings we’re treated to nowadays.
Macho Man Randy Savage played Bonesaw, the wrestler in the age that Spiderman faces when he is first discovering and using his new powers. Kayfabe is in full effect here as in this universe, Bonesaw is out to injure his opponents and not to protect them for the show.
Apparently, Macho Man got the role when he auditioned in full character and cut promos on everyone backstage. This impressed the officials in charge so much that they cast him as the intimidating wrestler. He does an excellent job too!
Here he is in full action: