#7 Rey Fenix Vs. Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio is the one name that comes to everyone’s mind when they think of masked wrestlers. Without a doubt, he is the most popular Luchador wrestler in WWE history. 619 is one of the most popular finishers in the entire pro wrestling world, let alone WWE. On top of this, Mysterio has become a legend in professional wrestling by giving us so many great matches during all these years.
Rey Fenix is one half of the Lucha Brothers tag team along with Pentagon Jr. He is an amazing in-ring performer who never seems to get a single move wrong. He can wrestle three to four matches in a week with very high intensity. He is known as the king of ropes and can do things in the ring that no one else can.
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Rey Vs. Rey, Mask Vs. Mask, or WWE vs. AEW, this match is a guaranteed classic if it ever happens. And it is a dream match every fan would love to see.