1. Ryback

Who can forget Ryback’s meteoric rise to the top? Since Ryback made his debut, he destroyed everyone. Sometimes he would beat two or three guys while chanting ‘Feed Me More’. This chant caught on and soon WWE fans worldwide started chanting along with ‘The Big Guy’.
Hence, WWE thought he was ready for a push. They couldn’t have been more wrong. Ryback challenged for the WWE Championship against CM Punk and he lost in controversial fashion.
Ever since that loss, his push has been in question. Not only was Ryback’s mic skills lacklustre, but his ring work was rusty as well. He certainly didn’t deserve the push he received so soon. While the fans loved him because he reminded them of Goldberg that wasn’t enough for him to get pushed. He just didn’t have what it takes to be a champion. He should’ve won either the Intercontinental or United States Championship before getting a shot at WWE’s most coveted title.
Even turning him heel didn’t do him any favours. WWE gave up on him and decided to move on.
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