3. Sheamus

Looking at Sheamus now, you could say he is going to be around a long time to come, but looking back at the start of his WWE career, you would wonder “what was WWE thinking?”.
Sheamus was quickly put in the main event scene just a few months after his ECW debut. He shocked the world by beating John Cena in a tables match. This was a really surprising move as no one could see Sheamus as the guy who would carry the company as its top champion. In fact, he didn’t have any heat as a heel. He failed to get the fans to react to him like you would expect from a heel champion.
Moreover, he didn’t have any mic skills at that time. As a result, he was quickly demoted to the mid-card after losing the belt. He managed to redeem himself after that and win a couple of noteworthy championship along the way, but I can’t help to stop and wonder what would’ve happened had they waited for the pale Irishman to develop his skills before winning his first Championship. I guess we will never know.