#5 Make the 24/7 Championship more... hardcore

Let me start out by saying that R-Truth is a worldwide treasure and needs to be protected at all costs. The man can get literally anything over. He deserves all the credit in the world for turning the 48/7 7/11 European TV Championship into what it is today. That said, the title has lost steam recently. We've seen less and less of it on social media and its TV time is significantly dwindling as well.
It's time to breathe some new life into the title, and I think taking it into a more hardcore realm would be a great way to accomplish that. Since its inception the 24/7 Championship has been mainly a comedy act. Scores of Superstars have been chasing the champion around for months now, just hoping to get a sneak roll up victory. Never in the history of the company has the roll up been so deadly, even when the Hardcore Championship itself was contested under 24/7 rules years ago.
Now Santa hitting Tozawa with a bag of toys on RAW Monday is what I'm talking about. That's closer to the content I'm looking for with this championship. I'm not asking for a full flip to the old Hardcore Championship style, but it just seems like wrestlers could be doing so much more to win a title where the rules don't apply. Give me more chair shots, fire extinguishers, and table spots. When Jinder Mahal won the belt on a golf course earlier this year, there's no reason he shouldn't have hit R-Truth with a 9 iron or even run him down with a golf cart, WrestleMania x-Seven style.
I think a guy like Rowan could bring the 24/7 Championship up a notch. Have him win the belt, and then just decimate all the stars that come calling backstage. Rowan's brutality could pull the 24/7 Title up from the ranks of comedy act to a more legitimate title.
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