12 matches that need to happen at WrestleMania 36

Orton & Cena have a legendary rivalry but never went one-on-one at WrestleMania.
Orton & Cena have a legendary rivalry but never went one-on-one at WrestleMania.

#8 Keith Lee vs. Roman Reigns

After their encounter at Survivor Series, everyone wants to see this one.
After their encounter at Survivor Series, everyone wants to see this one.

Keith Lee has been a standout in NXT from the moment he debuted on their weekly television show. It took a few months to see him participate in some proper matches and stories, and that's when he really started to shine. His matches with Dominik Dijakovic, both in NXT and in years prior on the independent scene, are largely what got the two men noticed as something special.

Lee has been pegged by wrestling fans as a future star for a few years, and now that he's in NXT, he's closer than ever before. Lee had an absolutely incredible performance at Survivor Series when it came down to him as the final man on Team NXT, and Roman Reigns as the final man for Team SmackDown. Afterwards a lot of people backstage, including Vince McMahon himself, were more enthusiastic about Lee than ever.

Roman was able to get the better of the powerhouse Superstar on that night, but Lee came very close to securing the victory for Team NXT. While they fist-bumped each other to show respect after the hard-fought match, there is definitely some unfinished business between both men. Keith must be chomping at the bit to get another opportunity to make The Big Dog "Bask in his Glory".

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Edited by Rick Ucchino
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