4. Emotion

NXT, from its vociferous lead announcer to its highly vocal weekly TV and Takeover audiences, has an air of excitement and intensity that is usually missing from main roster WWE. With an edgy, energetic passion that can only be described as a sort of small-scale, PG version of the much-lauded Attitude Era, NXT presents wrestling as a much-watch blast of aggressive entertainment, as opposed to Monday Night Raw's penchant for presenting itself as a sort of casual background noise.
Backstage segments cut in and out immediately with a sense of urgency instead of being overly drawn out, talent comes off as having a passion for the brand instead of just acting as cogs in a machine, and even the soundtracks (often intense metal music that's an enjoyable part of video packages even if you don't normally listen to that genre) create a sense of driving emotionalism that the main roster's disposable pop tracks can't.