#12 Maybe, Maybe, Maybe!

Daniel Bryan had gotten over with the crowd with his exceptional “Yes!” and “No!” chants on RAW. The WWE Universe then started using the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ chants to show their support they admired or to oppose anything they despised in the WWE.
However, on one of the RAW episodes, a group of three partners carried posters of “Yes! Yes! Yes!”, “No! No! No!” and “Maybe!, Maybe! Maybe!” and in a way tried to troll Daniel Bryan’s chants.
#11 Upgrading with time

John Cena was the golden lad of Vince McMahon whose figure was built as a Superman who can crush anything and everything in a fair way to amuse the fans. But later, the fans turned their back on the leader of Cenation and banners of “If Cena wins, we riot” were frequently visible in the arenas. However, at one of the events, a young fan modified that sentence and made it “If Cena wins, we complain online," which is in fact the truth in the modern era.