#6 Only Stone Cold Steve Austin things!

Stone Cold Steve Austin is perhaps the greatest creation of Vince McMahon. No other gimmick in the industry’s existence has surpassed the popularity levels of the Texas Rattlesnake.
Even this man knew this thing and hence he rightly made the statement, “On the 8th Day, God created Stone Cold Steve Austin!”
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#5 This is Awesome! Stupid!

The 'This is Awesome' chants are heard in the WWE arenas quite frequently but not it is not always that the product is awesome. A lot of years ago, during a WWE show, a fan carried the banner 'This is Stupid' to express his personal views over the WWE product's quality.
Looking at Vince McMahon's actions in this picture, I feel that this frustrated fan was done with the soap opera that WWE was trying to become and wanted the wrestling back.