#19 One Year Later...

A year later, Ric Flair would have already left the WWE prior to the Royal Rumble. The new number one entrant in the match was rising tag team star, Scott Steiner. He'd make short work of then rival Samu who drawn Number 2 before coming face to face with his own brother Rick.
The two brothers wanted nothing to do with the other, especially when it pertained to facing off in the ring. Yet WWE being who they are as a company thought it would be delightful to pit a successful tag team against each other hinting towards a dissolution. If you already didn't know, Vince McMahon loves nothing more than breaking up tag teams.
Yet the two continued until another superstar could enter the bout, and they'd double team him. That didn't last long, as Rick Steiner was promptly eliminated by Owen Hart while Scott became a victim of Diesel's ruthless rampage through the Rumble field.
All in all, a mildly entertaining if uneventful night for the future 'Big Pompa Pump'.
Eliminated by Diesel