At Worlds Collide, Angel Garza failed to defend his NXT Cruiserweight Championship in a Fatal-4-Way, featuring Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Jordan Devlin, and Travis Banks. In the end, Devlin was able to secure the win, stealing the belt away from Garza. NXT UK has taken over the cruiserweight brand.
Speaking of the UK stars, Danny Burch is in action tonight. The Guvnor will face The Brian Kendrick later tonight. Over the past few weeks, Burch has had the number of Kendrick and Daivari. However, when the two united last week, they were able to get one over on the vet. Tonight, he looked to get even, regardless of if Daivari was ringside or not.
We'll also see Tyler Breeze vs Angel Garza in the main event. Garza had a lot to prove tonight after losing is title at Worlds Collide. Though, he didn't get pinned, so he definitely has a case for getting back in the title picture.
We started the night off with newcomer Joaquin Wilde, who recently won his first match on 205 Live a few weeks back.
Joaquin Wilde vs Raul Mendoza
A long feeling out process eventually led to Wilde clotheslining Mendoza to the floor. As Wilde bounced off the ropes, Mendoza rushed in for a running dropkick. A stiff lariat gave Mendoza a near fall.
Wilde was able to get back in the match with a hip toss over the ropes, followed by a tope con hilo to the floor. Back inside, Wilde rocked Mendoza with a pair of boots, but a dive was met by a standing dropkick. Mendoza drove him into the mat with a pendulum swinging sidewalk slam.
Wilde kicks out and rolls up Mendoza for two. A poison rana spikes Mendoza, allowing Wilde to connect with a Code Breaker and the Wilde Thing.
Results: Joaquin Wilde defeated Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

The Brian Kendrick w/Ariya Daivari vs Danny Burch
The Guvnor tried to chase off Daivari, but the Persian Lion stuck around ringside for the bout, serving as a constant distraction. Burch connected with several right hands, sending the former Cruiserweight Champion to the floor.
Daivari again tried to distract Burch, but he recovered, sending Brian Kendrick hip first into the steel steps. Kendrick moved around the ringside area, baiting Burch near the table for a hip toss. Burch's knee was tweaked has he bounced off.
Back on the inside, Kendrick was gloating to the WWE Universe as if he'd won the match. Burch made it back to the apron by the nine-count, where Daivari tripped him up when Kendrick distracted the referee.
Burch made it to his feet and picked the leg of Kendrick. A kick to the jaw allowed Burch to hit a missile dropkick from Bret's rope. Like last week, Daivari attempted to hold Kendrick's hands for a pinfall, but the ref saw it.
Burch locked Kendrick in an armbar only for Daivari to leap in and attack Burch.
Results: Danny Burch defeated Brian Kendrick via DQ.
Kendrick and Daivari used a steel chair to take out the knee of the Guvnor. Before they could snap it, Oney Lorcan rushed out, making his first return to the brand since October! The crowd chanted for Lorcan as Kendrick and Daivari backed up the ramp.
One-Two has been reunited!!
Next week, the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Jordan Devlin, makes his 205 Live debut.
Angel Garza vs Tyler Breeze
Angel Garza mocked Tyler Breeze, calling him ugly while hitting Prince Pretty's patented pose on the turnbuckle. Garza moved to remove his tights only to be caught with an enziguri, sending the former champion to the floor.
Garza dragged Breeze out to the floor and drove his face into the steel steps. Back inside, Garza maintained control with a surfboard stretch. Breeze escaped, catching Garza with another boot to the jaw. Just as he set up for a dropkick from the second rope, Garza trapped him in the corner, hitting both knees wit a split dropkick.
After that, Garza couldn't help himself and removed the tights. Breeze was placed in the tree of woe for a penalty kick, but he kicked out at two. Prince Pretty connected with a series of kicks and a clothesline, getting a two-count himself.
Angel Garza moved in for a dive from the corner only to be met with a Supermodel Kick. Garza still kicked out, and took Breeze down with a knee to the jaw. Breeze rolled away from Garza's moonsault range twice, and the third saw Prince Pretty lift his boots up. Breeze was given a near fall.
Garza managed to counter a hurricanrana, turning it into the Wing Clipper. With that, Tyler Breeze's winning streak on 205 Live was over.
Results: Angel Garza defeated Tyler Breeze via pinfall.