Dasha Fuentes asked Lio Rush what he thought about another match with Akira Tozawa. Rush responded, saying that he's in a league of his own, and Tozawa should keep his name out of his mouth.
#1 Contender's Fatal-4-Way Match: Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak vs Hideo Itami vs TJP
The four men circled the ring before Drew Gulak and Hideo Itami jumped on Mustafa Ali. TJP decided to stay out of the fray initially but was forced to attack Ali by Gulak and Itami. As TJP went to attack him, Ali dodged, forcing Itami out the ring and using Gulak as a weapon to force TJP to the floor. Before Ali could roll up Gulak, Itami broke it up.
Itami stayed ahead of Ali's speed with his impressive and deadly strikes, countering a springboard cutter with a kick to the head. TJP broke up the pin, finding himself the target of Itami's anger. Ali managed to fend off both TJP and Itami but was taken down by a stiff clothesline from Drew Gulak.
With TJP and Itami out of the picture, Gulak took his time to wear down Ali's body, putting him in a headlock before slamming him to the ground with a front suplex. Itami and TJP got into the ring and almost began fighting each other, but Gulak directed traffic, and the three men beat down Ali. TJP attempted to sneak a pin on Drew Gulak, but Itami broke it up. While the three men were arguing with each other, Ali landed on top of them with a high angle crossbody from the top rope.
TJP managed to lock both Ali and Itami in dual abdominal stretches. Gulak made his way inside the ring to break it up, locking in a modified Gory Special, working the arms of the CruiserGreat. Gulak forced the hold into a pinning attempt, and the two men traded pins back and forth before making their way back to their feet. Itami knocked Gulak out of the ring, directing TJP to the top to do some massive damage to Ali.
Ali, however, countered, knocking Itami into the corner, tossing TJP off the top into Gulak with a hurricanrana. Ali then took out Ali and TJP with combination kicks and a rope assisted rolling X-Factor facebuster.
With TJP and Itami out, Gulak attempted to take advantage of the situation, but Ali took him out with a tilt-a-whirl DDT. All four men got back to their feet, only to knock each other down once again. Ali pulled himself up amongst the carnage, attempting to finish off TJP, but the former champion almost turned it into a Detonation Kick. Ali avoided it, and both men ran into each other with cross body splashes, leaving Gulak and Itami in the middle of the ring.
Gulak told Itami that he respected him before slapping him across the face. The two began trading strikes, with Gulak somehow coming out on top, Gulak planted Itami on his back with a suplex, unable to even get a two-count.
Itami countered another suplex into a falcon arrow, but Gulak kicked out. The two strikers fought to their knees then rolled to the floor, where they traded fists and chops around the ring. Itami leveled Gulak with a kick to the chest.
Ali attempted to fly over the ropes but was cut short by TJP. Gulak and Itami forced TJP down to the ground with them, where Ali sprung to the top rope for a 450 to the outside, taking out Gulak and Itami.
Ali then tossed TJP into the ring, planting him with a springboard tornado DDT. He dragged TJP's near lifeless body to the corner and landed the 054, but Itami dragged him off of TJP onto the steel steps where he landed a hesitation dropkick to Ali's head. Itami then launched Ali into the ring post, throwing him inside the ring.
Before Itami could capitalize, Gulak threw him into the ring post. With both TJP and Itami out of the picture, Gulak locked in the Gu-Lock on a nearly unconscious Mustafa Ali for the win.
Drew Gulak defeated Mustafa Ali via submission
Gulak celebrated in the ring with Jack Gallagher and Brian Kendrick while Cedric Alexander watched from the back. With his aggressive nature and his ability to take away an opponent's speed, could Drew Gulak be the man to end the Age of Alexander?
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