Cedric Alexander vs Brian Kendrick

Brian Kendrick made his way to the ring, noticeably lacking his cohorts Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher. Cedric came out, looking a bit miffed over the words Gulak said earlier in the day.
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Cedric backed Kendrick into a corner, but the former champion caught him in a wrist lock, only for Cedric to trip him up for a toehold. Both men then traded holds, meeting on their feet afterwards.
After a lockup, Kendrick had the champion in a headlock, but Cedric bounced him off the ropes, catching him with an arm drag followed by an armbar, with Kendrick quickly running to the ropes.
Kendrick held onto the ropes, forcing Cedric back, then teased another lockup, instead going for a kick to the gut. Cedric didn't take kindly to that, chopping him across the chest, forcing him into the turnbuckle. He chopped him repeatedly in the corner, then when Kendrick tried to fight out, he dodged, catching Kendrick with a tilt a whirl head scissors followed by a kick to the jaw.
Before he could capitalize, Drew Gulak came out to distract Cedric. This gave Kendrick enough time to sneak under the ring, baiting the champion to come looking for him, pulling him shoulder first into the apron, then launching him into the steel steps.
Kendrick tossed Cedric back inside, working over the arm that he injured by the apron. Cedric fought out of an armbar but was met with a flying heel kick from Kendrick, taking him back down to the mat. Cedric kicked out at two.
Cedric then fought back to his feet, only for Kendrick to launch him into the corner. Cedric caught him with a kick to the face when he ran in, but as Cedric attempted a springboard clothesline, Kendrick knocked him off the ropes.
Kendrick tried to hit the Sliced Bread #2, but Cedric was able to fight him off, tossing him over the ropes before going for a somersault plancha. He then tossed Kendrick back in, before missing yet another springboard clothesline. However, he laid Kendrick out, and finally hit the clothesline, getting a two-count from the referee.
Alexander was distracted by Gulak for a moment, causing Kendrick to get out of the Lumbar Check. A quick spinning back elbow stunned the former champion long enough to be caught with a brutal Neuralizer.
Kendrick was able to shake the cobwebs, forcing Alexander to the outside. When he went for the springboard tornado DDT, Kendrick countered into the Captain's Hook. The champion barely made it to the ropes and was seemingly gassed. However, has Kendrick went for the Captain's Hook again, Cedric countered into a Michinoku Driver, getting yet another near fall.
Kendrick stumbled into the corner, allowing Cedric to slam into him with a corner clothesline. As he went for another clothesline, Kendrick caught him with a boot to the face, followed by a superkick. He went for Sliced Bread #2 yet again, but Cedric held onto his tights, taking him down with the Lumbar Check.
Cedric Alexander defeated Brian Kendrick via pinfall
Drew Gulak stood on the apron distracting Alexander, only for Jack Gallagher to run in and lay him out with a dizzying headbutt. Gulak, Gallagher, and Kendrick then started to beat down the unconscious champion, only for Drake Maverick to make the save with a handful of referees, telling Gulak that he'd lose his title opportunity if he touched him.
A dazed Cedric Alexander struggled to get to his feet as Kendrick, Gallagher, and Gulak backed up the ramp.
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