Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs Drew Gulak
Gulak rushed Scott early with a running dropkick, launching him into the corner. A snapmare into a side headlock brought Scott down in the middle of the ring. Scott attempted to work the ground game, managing to get a mount on the Cruiserweight Champion before being tossed to the outside.
Back in the ring, Scott tried to go after Gulak's left arm, bringing him to the mat with a takedown. Gulak easily got back to his feet but had a hard time getting his hands on Swerve. A rolling dropkick sent the Submission Specialist outside the ring. He changed his approach at this point, opting for a more brawling style. Scott was tossed outside but managed to land on his feet, and forced Gulak to chase him out.
As Gulak came back inside, Scott used the ropes to hit a shot moonsault, keeping control. Some joint manipulation came into play, with Scott continuing to work Gulak's left arm. Gulak managed to find himself in a standing position behind Scott, but was laid out with a massive right hand that nearly got the pinfall.
In the corner, Gulak was hammered with chops to the chest. A series of kicks to the legs was shaken off by Gulak, and he targeted Scott's wrist with a clubbing blow. Scott was shoved through the ropes, and seen trying to shake the feeling back into his right hand. Gulak drove him into the barricade, finally getting the advantage in the match.
Scott was brought to the announcer's desk where he was splayed out for a chop to the chest. A Razor's Edge to the ring post seemingly knocked him out. However, he managed to kick out of a pinfall after being rolled back inside. Gulak locked Scott in a single leg Boston Crab while simultaneously driving his boot onto the back of his opponent's head.
While he lost the hold, Gulak rocked Scott with a back elbow and a second rope lariat, almost turning him inside out. Scott again kicked out. Gulak took him up top, looking for another Razor's Edge. Scott rolled out and stunned him with a jawbreaker. A jumping uppercut in the corner set up for a diving uppercut. Gulak kicked out at two as Scott continued to shake out his right hand.
Gulak went up for another dive but a leaping hurricanrana brought him crashing down to the mat. A running kick to the back of the head was nearly enough, but Gulak managed to break out before the three-count.
Scott went around Gulak for a waist lock, but his injured wrist allowed Gulak to break up the hold, locking him in the Gu-Lock. Scott made it to the ropes, and tripped the champion up on the apron for a superkick and a running double stomp. The second stomp from the top rope connected, only for Gulak to kick out again.
Back to their feet, Gulak avoided a clothesline and caught him with a roll-up. Scott broke out and caught him in an armbar. Gulak struggled to break free, going after the right hand to finally break the hold. The two men traded slaps to the face, but Gulak got the better of Scott with a leg trapped cravate suplex. The Cyclo-Crash put an end to the Swerve.
Results: Drew Gulak defeated Isaiah "Swerve" Scott via pinfall.