Hideo Itami vs Akira Tozawa
Hideo Itami entered the ring first. Before making his way to the ring, Tozawa was interviewed backstage. Tozawa said that Hideo is a legend and that he's always respected him. However, if Itami didn't like him as a partner, he definitely won't like him as an opponent.
Tozawa came out, hyping up the crowd before running straight to the ring. Both men began the match with a running boot, countering each other with all kinds of strikes, ending in a stalemate. Tozawa got the crowd going with his chant, getting under Itami's skin.
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Itami and Tozawa traded chops to the chest, with both men looking beat red. Tozawa caught Itami with a jab, knocking him down. He chased him to the corner, stomping him in the head repeatedly. Tozawa then dragged Itami out and landed a running senton, getting a two-count early on in the match.
Tozawa picked Itami up, slamming him back down followed by a rear chin lock. Itami fought out of it with a jawbreaker only for Tozawa to chase him back into the corner again, beating down Itami with chops and kicks. Itami took over after catching Tozawa between the ropes with a handful of kicks followed by a knee drop from the top rope.
Itami stomped Tozawa out, all the while telling the WWE Universe to show him respect. Tozawa rolled to the apron, but Itami caught him with a baseball slide, knocking him to the ground. Itami then threw him into the barricade before putting him back into the ring.
Tozawa went for a dive from the top ropes but was met with a kick to the chest. Itami screamed "respect me" at Tozawa before catching Tozawa with a vicious knee to the stomach. Itami brought Tozawa back to his feet before putting him down with another knee to the gut, followed by knees to the head.
Tozawa went for a punch but was countered into a DDT. Itami continued to stop Tozawa anytime he attempted to build momentum. However, when Itami went for another knee, Tozawa rolled him up, then caught Itami with a snap hurricanrana when he broke out, followed by a Shining Wizard. Tozawa went for the Senton Bomb, but Itami rolled out, only for Tozawa to dive outside.
Tozawa rolled his former partner into the ring, catching him with a missile dropkick for a two-count. Tozawa then went for a back suplex but was blocked by Itami. Itami hit his spinning rope hung neck breaker followed by a flying clothesline. He went for his patented combination but was countered by Tozawa. The two men countered each other's strikes and submission moves, only for Tozawa to land a spinning kick on Itami, laying him out in front of the ropes.
Tozawa went for the Senton Bomb, but Itami caught him before he could make the leap. As he attempted a superplex, Itami attempted to counter into a fisherman suplex. Itami fought back, headbutting Tozawa before hitting a top rope falcon arrow.
Tozawa managed to kick out, yet again, frustrating Itami. Tozawa slowly got to his feet only for Itami to connect with a single leg dropkick, getting another two-count. Itami went for the shotgun dropkick into the corner, only to be countered into an octopus stretch by Tozawa.
Tozawa chased him outside when he escaped with a suicide dive. However, when he rolled him back in, he missed the Senton Bomb. Itami landed two basement dropkicks on Tozawa before hitting a facelock spun overhead kick, picking up the win after a hard-fought bout.
Result: Hideo Itami defeated Akira Tozawa